Perseverance is key to success, but how do you develop it?
Everyone is trying to find the answer to this question. Some people believe that perseverance is an inherent trait, while others think it can be learned. The truth is that it can be both.
Perseverance is the key to success because it defines our ability to keep going despite challenging times; it is our ability to keep going even when we want to give up, and it is our ability to keep going even when we feel like we can’t.
Some people are born with a high level of perseverance, while others have to develop it.
So, how can you develop perseverance?
1) Know what you want:
The first step to developing perseverance is to know what you want. Take time to have deep thinking and understand what you want. You need to have a clear mind as it helps to create your path and prepare you for meeting your goal. Having a clear mind help to create your path and prepare you for meeting your goal. It helps you to stay focused and keeps you motivated. Whatever your goal is, ensure you set a deadline for it along the way and develop the mental strength to preserve until you reach the goal.
2) Get rid of self-limiting beliefs:
Self-limiting beliefs are one of the main things that hold people back from persevering. These are the beliefs that tell you that you can’t do something or that you’re not good enough. If you want to develop perseverance, you need to get rid of these beliefs.
Build your confidence, and do not compare yourself with others. No matter how unobtainable your goal may seem now, believe that you have the power to overcome it. Remind yourself of the past obstacles you’ve overcome. Use those life experiences as motivation to persevere. Spend time doing things that make you feel satisfied and positive about life. Likewise, if things in your life hurt your confidence, get rid of them.
3) Know your values:
Having a good grasp of your own personal values is how you figure out the best way forward in any given situation and keep yourself aimed toward your target. What are your core beliefs? What do you stand for, and how does that play out in your life? The answers to these questions don’t come easily, but with each life experience, you’ll get closer to understanding yourself and your view of the world. Explore and surround yourself with learning from different perspectives. As you gain more knowledge, it helps you to determine what you are most interested in.
4) Learn to enjoy life:
One of the best ways to develop perseverance is to learn how to enjoy your life. If you don’t enjoy your life, you will find it very difficult to persevere through the tough times. Learn the good and bad of the journey of life. Perseverance is the ability to get through a hard time by making the most of it. Over time you’ll recognize the difference between the temporary frustration vs the long-term negative while pursuing your goal. Learn to enjoy the journey and not just the destination.
5) Get rid of the fixed mindset:
The ability to stare at life’s challenges is a big advantage, but it can be really difficult to do. When a big problem arises, it’s so much easier to ignore it, sugar-coat it, or put off making a decision. Practice seeing obstacles from the growth mindset lens. People with a growth mindset believe they can improve with effort. They’re not discouraged by setbacks because they see them as a chance to learn and grow. When you have a growth mindset, you understand that you can always get better.
Developing perseverance is a journey, not a destination. It’s something that you can work on every day and that you’ll get better at over time. So, don’t be discouraged if you have setbacks – remember that you’ll persevere if you continue aligning your actions with your values. When something about your life begins to feel wrong, make a change but do not quit. Continue correcting your course until you meet your goal.